It’s been a while since the last post. If it’s not because of TIK, there would be no posts anymore.
However, sekarang gue emang lg sekarat kebosenan parah. Gila bentar lagi bisa mabok lachata tauga daritadi muter lagu itu mulu. Mana yg ngerap ky mita the virgin lagi omfg. Lacha Lacha ta ta! Babyyyyyy~
Ok kan kemaren gue kyk ke rumah sodara gt terus sodara gue tuh cerita katanya dia pas potong rambut, ternyata kependekan terus nangis.
“Terus kenapa?”
Sabar mangkanya, orang lg cerita dipotong. Nah dia kan nangis, kebetulan ada sodara gue yg satu lagi. Bukannya nenangin malah bilang mirip gorila. Astaga sadis.
Pas sodara gue yang ngatain gorila itu ke gue, dia bilang gini “Iya dikatain gorila aja nangis”
terus sodara gue yg korban potong rambut langsung berdiri terus bilang ke sodara gue yg ngatain “lo inget ga waktu itu, lo dibilang mirip Eno Lerian nangis”
Untung gue gak bilang “Ya daripada dibilang mirip eno netral?” kalo gue bilang bisa setengah mampus gua.
taugak sih lo tadinya internet harini ky forbidden gitu tapi karena gue pake cara pouty face :p bisa wkwkwk HELL YEA
Oke gue lg nungguin download snsd ggts yg ep 2 soalnya ada donghae sm eunhyuk! YES! tapi lamanya ebujut tolong. Jadi ya gini deh gua nulis blog lagi karena emg lg ngabuburit dan gak ada kerjaan sama sekali. Ok ya masa gue nemu penyanyi hanguk gt namana kim jongkok. Iihihihi, sumpah nanti gue susul pake nama kim kayang. aduh indah bgt sumpah. jayus? iyadong namanya juga puasa. sebenernya gue udh susul plan gt while downloading. jadi pas download gue nonton music bank gt EH MUSIC BANK NYA GA ADA jayos. oke ada sih award drama gt tp kaga ada subnya ah sarap. Mau ol sj-world EH OFFLINE, mau ntn rerun videoscope suju di v channel EH JAM 2 PAGI apa apaan tuh bisa mati konyol. Jadi pilihan terakhirnya ngeblog ajalah sabar banget. TERUS YA APALAGI YA lupa kan gue mo ngmg apa bentar mikir dulu……….
trs ya skrg gue akhirnya lg dengerin lagu 2pm asoy abis sumpah yg again again cihuyyyyyyy :p
So dudes, remember the bbf syndroms? Lucky me, I was healed and my interest about the F4 dudes decreased. But less than a week, I got effected by the kpop disease. Name it; T-Max, SNSD Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, 2NE1, even the coolio MC Mong. It’s totally contagious.
NAH SEMUANYA YA, gua lg males ngomong inggris. Pake bahasa indonesia aja ya oke semua setuju? setuju ya se7 ya se7 HAHA OKE HEM oke makin ngelantur. Kan gue kl buka komputer tuh kalo engga ol soshi fb dan sbagainya, nah kalau ga bolehol paling gue suka ngotak ngatik folder2 dulu. DAN OH EM GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY GEE GEE GEE~ stop.
Ternyata gue sm yg lain2 fanatik parah sm bbf sampe giginya junpyo aja diomongin. GIGI!
Savira: Gue br nyadar jun pyo gigi tengahnya gede bgt
Maya: haha tomingse giginya panjang2
Savira: udah yang paling bagus giginya ji hoo
mamma mia! gila ya parah bgt ckckck nah gara gara itu gue pun berdebat panjang sama si savira dan akhirnya gara gara gigi nya gu jun pyo tomingse dan yun ji hu, gua mulai kata kataan sm savira
Maya: ga level lo mainannya pasar ikan jualan ampas tahu sana
Savira: Anjrit, lo jualan beras kencur
Maya: gausah ngomong lo sayur asem
Savira: Eh diem lu cah kangkung
dan sekarang akhirnya beranjak ke kpop, kalau ngomongin itu kalo engga sm savira, dilla, amay. Nah ini ada history chat sm amay.
gue : item, Amay: biru
donghae cuteee
gue takut lo ngambil dia kayak lo ngambil kibum
heechul deh heechul berdua
kagak bisa ganggu lu
gue udah paten dari lama
awas lu ngambil
oke kenapa akhir2nya jadi mendadak lesbi gitu gua org lg ngomongin hee chul tiba2 gua nyerocos yoona yang jelas jelas cewek.
So, I want to give savira’s blog a response about So Nyu Shi Dae and Super Junior.
I LOVE THEM TO DEATHHHH. Well, savira said she loves Yuri&Sunny in SNSD while in Super Junior, she got a major new crush on KyuHyun.
And me? Well I just got tons of new celeb crushes because of the suju full house reality show
HEE CHUL AND EUNHYUK ARE DAMN FUNNY. they’re always crackin me up. But for the charming type, I just looooove Lee Dong Hae and Kim Ki Bum. But unfortunately, Dong Hae was dibbed by Amay(curse you) and Kim Ki Bum, he has a perfect chemistry with Yoona from SNSD. (Just like the soeul couples, they are so similar!)
So I gave up Ki Bum for Yoona:p and for my favorite SNSD member is Yoona of course. She is too pretty and she can act, dance and sing! I watched her and the other snsd members in YouTube, I didn’t know that Yoona could be such a funny comedian either.
AND LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND! I found Kim Ki Bum and Kim Bum in a cellphone CF while Kim So Eun and Yoona are together in the clean and clear cf!!!! AAA they are so coool. both ki bum and kim bum are so cute and both yoona and so eun are waaay too pretty I TELL YOU! THEY ARE THE MOST IRRESISTABLE COUPLES IN THE ENTIRE WORLD (ALAY MODE)